Saturday, October 4, 2014

Karma? Is that you?

Nora Nadjarian. Sonnet Mondal. Aju Mukhopadhyaye. Eckhardt Gerdes. Everyone who contributed to the quincouplet anthology. And me.

What do these people have in common? They all had work accepted by a press, who promised to publish it only to back out later or just disappear. However, except for myself, they all had it done by me.

On October 4, 2014, I found out that 
Rabbit Ears: Poems about Television had suddenly been dropped by publisher Poets Wear Prada, two weeks before its planned release. There will probably be a new publisher, but I still think there is some irony in the situation.

I suppose professionalism is one of those things I have had to learn about the hard way. I'm still young, and the cards have not always been in my favor, but mistakes are mistakes and wrong things are wrong. I'm committed to not doing those kinds of things anymore. Not because they happened to me, but because they were bad things to do.

Update: This situation might be more complex than I had thought.

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