Monday, October 20, 2014



Published Works from 2014

  1. "11 Promising Real Estate Markets" at Uut Poetry
  2. "24 quirky cultural tidbits about Japan from this Westerner’s perspective" at Uut Poetry
  3. "26 Unexpected Places to Find Satan" at Uut Poetry
  4. "37 Things You Can't Say On Capitol Hill" at Uut Poetry
  5. "Addy" at 1947 Journal
  6. "April" at Red Booth Review
  7. "behind circuit unattached" at Uut Poetry
  8. "civic.casual.sugar" at Uut Poetry
  9. "Classifieds (remix)" at (s)wordplay
  10. "Cosmetinaut" at One Sentence Poems
  11. "Dream?", "an r for he" and "HAIK, ooooh" in v.1-3.5 of The Round Up Writer's Zine
  12. "Goals" at One Sentence Poems
  13. "How to Paint a Fence" at (s)wordplay
  14. "Just 2 weeks learning Esperanto can get you months ahead in your target language" at Uut Poetry
  15. "Kicking", "Tomatoes" and "Atomic" in Oddball Magazine
  16. "My Nightmare" in Issue 77 of Right Hand Pointing
  17. "nights" at Uut Poetry
  18. "rain (remix)" at Uut Poetry
  19. "Scriptation 2" and "Scriptation 5" at Eunoia Review
  20. "The Herd" and "Violation" at Scars Publications
  21. "The Music Industry Is Literally Brainwashing You to Like Bad Pop Songs — Here’s How" at Uut Poetry
  22. "The Season" at One Sentence Poems
  23. "three uutku" at Uut Poetry
  24. "Through Israel, Lost" at Uut Poetry
  25. "Tomatoes," "Banana" and "Atomic" at Oddball Magazine
  26. Untitled in Issue 27 of Three Line Poetry
  27. Untitled in Issue 26 of Three Line Poetry

Published Works from 2012

  1. "a new door opens" in Poetry Quarterly
  2. "Behind the Glass" in The Enchanting Verses Literary Review
  3. Four poems in Reckless Writing: The Modernization of Poetry by Emerging Writers of the 21st Century

Published Works from 2011

  1. "A Sound Request" in Red Fez Issue 39
  2. "Daedalus at Sicily" in Right Hand Pointing Issue 37: Ohio
  3. "Jasper Owen Interview, 1957, Excerpt No. 6" in Gargoyle #57
  4. "Portrait of the Artist as the Cause of Relationship Strife" in Short, Fast and Deadly
  5. "Psychedelic Psalm 1" in The Right Eyed Deer
  6. "The Quincouplet: A Matter of Words" in Galatea Resurrects
  7. "Self Interview, Part 13" in 50-to-1
  8. Seven poems in Pemmican
  9. "The Biggest Mind" in The Stray Branch (possibly one or two other poems as well)
  10. "Tuddle Park" in Boston Literary Magazine
  11. Two poems in Fib Review #8
  12. Two poems in The Medulla Review Volume 2, Issue #2
  13. Two poems in WTF PWM Volume 3, Issue 1

Published Works from 2010

  1. "All Indians Love Gandhi" in The Literary Bohemian
  2. "Aphrodite Waltz" in Houston Literary Review
  3. "Channeling Jackie McLean's Plight" in Every Day Poets
  4. "Classified 17" in Grey Sparrow Journal
  5. "Lace and Lust-Painted Lips" in Ophelia Street
  6. "like film the night" in Nibble
  7. "new york jewish brown" in Forge Issue 3.4
  8. "Rain Clouds" in Foundling Review
  9. "rain drips" in Fib Review 7
  10. Several poems in Leaf Garden 7 and 9
  11. "Snapshot of an All-Nighter" in Children, Churches & Daddies
  12. "Spirits" in Muse Thing: The Caliope Nerve Weblog
  13. Ten poems at Counterexample Poetics
  14. "The Con Artist" in Wilderness House Literary Review
  15. Two poems in Foliate Oak
  16. "Winter" in A Handful of Stones

Published Works from 2009

  1. "Classified 10" in Boston Literary Magazine
  2. Four poems at Counterexample Poetics
  3. Two poems at fourpaperletters

Forthcoming Works

  1. Two poems in Eunoia Review
  2. Untitled in Rabbit Ears: TV Poems


  1. Classifieds (erbacce-press 2010, self-republished 2014)
  2. The Leopard Slug (self-published 2014)
  3. Classifieds: Late Edition (2014 Kindle exclusive)
  4. ignore this book: songs of discomfort (coming November 7, 2014)


Verkoj eldonitaj en 2014

  1. Recenzo de "Ĉu mi malgrandas?" en Beletra Almanako #20
  2. Poemo "Celo" en One Sentence Poems
  3. Poemo "Kadavro" en Penseo 271
  4. Traduko de Wallace Stevens' "Dektri manieroj rigardi merlon" en Penseo 270
  5. Poemoj "Anoncoj" en Penseo 269
  6. Letero al la redaktisto en Forumo 149

Verkoj eldonitaj en 2012

  1. Traduko de "Nokto" de Howie Good en Penseo 252
  2. "Kio estas gento?" en Penseo 251
  3. Traduko de "Londono" de William Blake en Penseo 250
  4. "Post la mondo" en Penseo 249
  5. "Ju pli..." en Penseo 248
  6. "Malhavo" en Penseo 247
  7. Traduko de "Kio mi estas" de Mutiu Olawuyi (La Ĝanglopoeto) en Penseo 246
  8. Traduko de "'kompreneble post dio usono" de E. E. Cummings en Vesperto 243


  1. Traduko de Amo en tempo de paranojo de Howie Good (2014)
  2. Traduko de propra anglalingva libro Anoncetoj (2014)


Obras eldonite in 2014

  1. "Nabucodonosor" in Panorama
  2. "Mi caffe" in Panorama


Opera anni 2014
  1. "Tres Haicua" in VATES

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