Published Works from 2014
- "11 Promising Real Estate Markets" at Uut Poetry
- "24 quirky cultural tidbits about Japan from this Westerner’s perspective" at Uut Poetry
- "26 Unexpected Places to Find Satan" at Uut Poetry
- "37 Things You Can't Say On Capitol Hill" at Uut Poetry
- "Addy" at 1947 Journal
- "April" at Red Booth Review
- "behind circuit unattached" at Uut Poetry
- "civic.casual.sugar" at Uut Poetry
- "Classifieds (remix)" at (s)wordplay
- "Cosmetinaut" at One Sentence Poems
- "Dream?", "an r for he" and "HAIK, ooooh" in v.1-3.5 of The Round Up Writer's Zine
- "Goals" at One Sentence Poems
- "How to Paint a Fence" at (s)wordplay
- "Just 2 weeks learning Esperanto can get you months ahead in your target language" at Uut Poetry
- "Kicking", "Tomatoes" and "Atomic" in Oddball Magazine
- "My Nightmare" in Issue 77 of Right Hand Pointing
- "nights" at Uut Poetry
- "rain (remix)" at Uut Poetry
- "Scriptation 2" and "Scriptation 5" at Eunoia Review
- "The Herd" and "Violation" at Scars Publications
- "The Music Industry Is Literally Brainwashing You to Like Bad Pop Songs — Here’s How" at Uut Poetry
- "The Season" at One Sentence Poems
- "three uutku" at Uut Poetry
- "Through Israel, Lost" at Uut Poetry
- "Tomatoes," "Banana" and "Atomic" at Oddball Magazine
- Untitled in Issue 27 of Three Line Poetry
- Untitled in Issue 26 of Three Line Poetry
Published Works from 2012
- "a new door opens" in Poetry Quarterly
- "Behind the Glass" in The Enchanting Verses Literary Review
- Four poems in Reckless Writing: The Modernization of Poetry by Emerging Writers of the 21st Century
Published Works from 2011
- "A Sound Request" in Red Fez Issue 39
- "Daedalus at Sicily" in Right Hand Pointing Issue 37: Ohio
- "Jasper Owen Interview, 1957, Excerpt No. 6" in Gargoyle #57
- "Portrait of the Artist as the Cause of Relationship Strife" in Short, Fast and Deadly
- "Psychedelic Psalm 1" in The Right Eyed Deer
- "The Quincouplet: A Matter of Words" in Galatea Resurrects
- "Self Interview, Part 13" in 50-to-1
- Seven poems in Pemmican
- "The Biggest Mind" in The Stray Branch (possibly one or two other poems as well)
- "Tuddle Park" in Boston Literary Magazine
- Two poems in Fib Review #8
- Two poems in The Medulla Review Volume 2, Issue #2
- Two poems in WTF PWM Volume 3, Issue 1
Published Works from 2010
- "All Indians Love Gandhi" in The Literary Bohemian
- "Aphrodite Waltz" in Houston Literary Review
- "Channeling Jackie McLean's Plight" in Every Day Poets
- "Classified 17" in Grey Sparrow Journal
- "Lace and Lust-Painted Lips" in Ophelia Street
- "like film the night" in Nibble
- "new york jewish brown" in Forge Issue 3.4
- "Rain Clouds" in Foundling Review
- "rain drips" in Fib Review 7
- Several poems in Leaf Garden 7 and 9
- "Snapshot of an All-Nighter" in Children, Churches & Daddies
- "Spirits" in Muse Thing: The Caliope Nerve Weblog
- Ten poems at Counterexample Poetics
- "The Con Artist" in Wilderness House Literary Review
- Two poems in Foliate Oak
- "Winter" in A Handful of Stones
Published Works from 2009
- "Classified 10" in Boston Literary Magazine
- Four poems at Counterexample Poetics
- Two poems at fourpaperletters
Forthcoming Works
- Two poems in Eunoia Review
- Untitled in Rabbit Ears: TV Poems
- Classifieds (erbacce-press 2010, self-republished 2014)
- The Leopard Slug (self-published 2014)
- Classifieds: Late Edition (2014 Kindle exclusive)
- ignore this book: songs of discomfort (coming November 7, 2014)
Verkoj eldonitaj en 2014
- Recenzo de "Ĉu mi malgrandas?" en Beletra Almanako #20
- Poemo "Celo" en One Sentence Poems
- Poemo "Kadavro" en Penseo 271
- Traduko de Wallace Stevens' "Dektri manieroj rigardi merlon" en Penseo 270
- Poemoj "Anoncoj" en Penseo 269
- Letero al la redaktisto en Forumo 149
Verkoj eldonitaj en 2012
- Traduko de "Nokto" de Howie Good en Penseo 252
- "Kio estas gento?" en Penseo 251
- Traduko de "Londono" de William Blake en Penseo 250
- "Post la mondo" en Penseo 249
- "Ju pli..." en Penseo 248
- "Malhavo" en Penseo 247
- Traduko de "Kio mi estas" de Mutiu Olawuyi (La Ĝanglopoeto) en Penseo 246
- Traduko de "'kompreneble post dio usono" de E. E. Cummings en Vesperto 243
- Traduko de Amo en tempo de paranojo de Howie Good (2014)
- Traduko de propra anglalingva libro Anoncetoj (2014)
Obras eldonite in 2014
- "Nabucodonosor" in Panorama
- "Mi caffe" in Panorama
Opera anni 2014
- "Tres Haicua" in VATES